We journeyed to the vast and remote boreal forests, where my grandfather grew up in Ely, Minnesota. He was the son of immigrants from Finland. After surviving a family farm that was unfarmable, he finally connected his passion of nature with becoming a Forester. Ely is the gateway to the BWCAW (Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness). The Boundary Waters makes up around 1 million areas of pristine forests, numerous lakes and wetlands.
My husband Mike and I visited in February 2023, with low temps at around -20.
Truly a nature photographers paradise and a heaven for outdoor lovers of the wild.
Out on Shagawa Lake in Ely, photographing the sunset for the magical golden hour light reflecting on the snowy horizon. Thankful for wool layers that kept me warm!
“CJ Maki”, my grandfather carefully removing a hedge hog in his younger days in Ely, Minnesota.
This is a photograph of “Axel”, an ambassador wolf of the International Wolf Center in Ely. “Axel” connected with his gaze, as we listened to the interpretive talk. It is a superb International Wolf Center! The wolf center has a strong and active focus on research and education!
Ely was a friendly town with delicious farm to table restaurants, art galleries and local shops. Also an abundance of outdoor activities to choose from including cross country skiing, hiking, canoeing, and snow shoeing. It was a meaningful trip, a nature infusion, and we hope to see the Auroras next time!